The “Church” is Decaying with Antiquity

It’s also my firm believe that about 95% of United States Protestant and Catholic Churches are “decaying with antiquity.” This means it’s primarily owned and ran by the oldest generation of believers, the elders of the Church… While that’s great for them, is it for us Millennials?

As part of the class of 2000, the first Millennials… I suggest that if Gregorian Chants are not used for the liturgy, contemporary musicians should be used for worship. I’ve been to Churches who had worship teams who knew some Jars of Clay songs… it was beautiful! Why not invite some of these Christian Rock Bands to your Churches? Why only sing age old hymns, that our generation doesn’t connect with? Why not play Christian Rock music? There’s a Christian radio station called “The Effect.” They have modern Christian Rock music playing 24/7/365 online at

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